Bank Of India Watchman Vacancy: Recruitment Notification released for 7th pass

Bank of India has released notification for 7th pass Watchman recruitment. Application forms for this have started from 30th September and the last date is 19th October.

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Advertisement for recruitment of watchman posts has been issued in Bank of India. Application forms have been sought for this recruitment in offline mode. Last date for filling the application form is 19th October. Eligibility for this recruitment is 7th pass i.e. 7th pass can fill the application form. This recruitment will be conducted on the basis of interview.

Bank of India Watchman Recruitment Application Fee: There is no application fee of any kind for this recruitment.

Bank of India Watchman Recruitment Age Limit

Talking about the age limit for this recruitment, the minimum age limit for this is 22 years and the maximum age limit is 40 years, the age will be calculated as per 30 September and those categories which have relaxation in the maximum age limit will be given relaxation in the age limit.

Bank of India Watchman Recruitment Educational Qualification

The educational qualification for this recruitment should be passing 7th class from any recognized institute.

Bank of India Watchman Recruitment Selection Process

For this recruitment, all the candidates will be selected on the basis of interview, that is, no examination of any kind will be conducted.

Bank Of India Watchman Vacancy Check

Bank of India Watchman Recruitment Application Process

For this recruitment, all the candidates will have to apply offline, for this we have made the notification available below, this notification has to be downloaded first and all the information given in it has to be carefully seen one by one.

Now after seeing the notification, download the application form given in the notification and fill all the information asked in the application form correctly, after this attach the required documents with this application form.

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After this you have to send the application form to the address given in the notification. Keep in mind that your application form should reach on or before the last date.

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