Gargi Puraskar 2024 Apply Online | Applications for Rajasthan Gargi Award 2024 started

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Gargi Puraskar 2024 Apply Online :- Applications for Gargi Puraskar Yojana 2024-25 started by the Education Department Rajasthan to promote girl education have been started from 17 October 2024 and the last date for its application has been fixed as 30 November 2024, to get all the information related to Gargi Puraskar Yojana, please read this article of ours completely and till the end.

Gargi Puraskar 2024 Apply Online Overview

In today’s article Gargi Puraskar 2024 Apply Online, gargi puraskar 2024-25, gargi puraskar yojna 2024, rajasthan gargi puraskar yojna, gargi puraskar last date, Rajasthan gargi puraskar 2024, how to apply gargi puraskar form, gargi puraskar apply online , you can find all information related to Rajasthan Gargi Puraskar Form 2025 l

Difference between Gargi Award and Girl’s Incentive Award

Gargi Puraskar is given to the meritorious girl students who passed class 10 and Balika Protsahan Puraskar is given to the meritorious girl students who passed class 12. Balika Protsahan Puraskar is given to the girls who get 75% or more marks in class 12 and they are awarded with Rs. 5000/- and a certificate. Balika Protsahan Puraskar Yojana was started in 2008 – 09.

Gargi Award Fees Details

The application fee for Rajasthan Gargi Puraskar 2024-25 has been kept at Rs. 0/-, the information of which is given in the advertisement. Candidates must study it thoroughly.

Gargi Award Important Link

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